Have you ever had the best ideas for a gift? And then, when the time came, did you realize that a) you don't have the money to buy the new car/cruise/spa vacation that your friend totally deserves and that you dreamt of getting her, and b) her birthday was already two days ago?
That's what happened with The Flight of Swans preorder giveaway.
I wish I could have given you a preorder present of posters and bookplates printed on gorgeous paper with sparkling ink because I'm ridiculously grateful for everyone who has supported this book.
But I don't have the money for the beautiful paper and sparkling ink. And FoS releases next Monday (!!!). So I'm going to give you something smaller. Something that is one of my favorite parts of the story.
I want to give you stinging nettles.
I had so much fun researching how to harvest stinging nettles! (More on that here.) But since nettles and the nettle tunics play such a large part in the story, I wanted to give each one of you a little bit of nettle yarn. So here's what I'd like to give to everyone who preorders, has already preordered, or orders in the first two weeks of release:
I've added nettle-yarn tassels to these lovely bookmarks. I did not spin this yarn, but I ordered it from the UK, and I'm making the tassels by hand. (You have no IDEA how many tassel-making videos there are on YouTube. Wow. Just wow.)
So if you've already preordered The Flight of Swans or if you order it between now and October 15th, I'd love to send you a small gift.

Here's what I need from you. Please order The Flight of Swans (links here). Then email me at smcguire (dot) author (at) gmail (dot) com and include:
Your name.
Your mailing address. (I'll send this in anywhere in North America and I can afford the first 5 international addresses.)
Proof of purchase. (You can attach a screenshot of an online order, take a picture of a receipt, or just tell me you bought it and can't get your hands on the receipt. Life's too short and I'm too new an author to worry about tons of people cheating me.)
Booksellers! I can't tell you how grateful I am for all you do to support authors! If you'd like a set of 10 bookmarks to give out to your readers, please contact me as well! It will be first come, first serve, but I'd love to send out what I can.
I won't mail these out until after the 15th, but I'll send them in pretty blue envelopes . . . which I will be ordering shortly. Because I am organized.
But mostly, I am grateful. Thank you, thank you for caring about Ryn's story!